AltExchange is now part of iCapital.

For Investors You Deserve More Than a Spreadsheet.

Access all your alternatives, in one place. Private funds, Real Estate, Direct-Owned Businesses, Collections, and more.

We integrate with where you’re investing, and more.

We’re investors with complex portfolios,
and we built the solution for our peers.

Click to See How it Works.

“AltExchange built a Plaid-like solution.”
“ We can finally report on our private market investments.”
“ We no longer have to maintain portal logins or a spreadsheet.”

Wouldn’t you like to manage your alts like you do your stocks? Your brokerage-like experience begins now.

Our Features

Fully Managed Onboarding
Direct Integrations
Managed Capital Calls
Centralized Documents
Automated K1 Collection
Backoffice Support
Real-time Performance
Multi-Asset Support

Your family office experience starts now.